Customer Testimonials

Our number one priority at Thomas Imaginative is taking care of you, and making sure you are 100% satisfied with our services. We will go the extra mile every time and give you the one-on-one, personalized attention you deserve to deliver high-quality work and products.

If you are considering us for your design needs, please take a few minutes to read some of the positive feedback we have received from our clients ...


"I hired Forrest Thomas to design a logo for my new company. He was great to work with -- he took the time to understand my needs and then came up with several excellent designs. I was very pleased with the results -- he exceeded my expectations and did top quality work. I highly recommend Forrest and I will continue to use him for my logo and web design needs."

Phil Lundrigan
FiveBox Consulting

"Forrest is an incredible designer who is willing to find new solutions for the needs of my website. The website he designed for my business has increased my online profile and led to several new clients. I also love the analytics features he installed to help me see what my viewers are interested in seeing."

Jaren Wilkey
Jaren Wilkey Photography

"In September of 1999 we hired Forrest Thomas to create a website advertisement for our student apartment building. Forrest came highly recommended by Ricks College CIS Department Advisor; Mr. Luke. Forrest conducted himself in a very professional and thorough manner. He finished the project very quickly, and his price was extremely reasonable. We were impressed and pleased with the website Forrest created. We would definitely hire him again, and highly recommend him to you. If you would like to see our web page, the address is"

Joy Jacobson and Lanae Jacobson
Colonial Heigts Townhouses

"I have been extremely pleased with the services provided by Forrest Thomas. My customers often compliment my site as being very user friendly and easy to navigate. Forrest is always extremely accomodating and very efficient, making changes to the site very quickly. I have recommended his services to several people who have asked me who designed my site."

Cody Orvin
El Chamaco Mexican Folk Art